Hill City Blog

We have finalized our Fall/Winter 2014 Fellowship Group Schedule! Groups will be meeting at the following times and places, beginning on Monday, October 6:

Sundays from 1-3 PM: Jason & Sally Ufkes' home (123 Towerhill Road)

Wednesdays from 6-9 PM: "The G-Pad" (1142 Armour Road)

Wednesdays from 6-8 PM: Dave & Jenn Kloosterman's home (208 Charlotte Street, back door)

Thursdays from 5-7 PM: Justin & Katie Kloosterman's home (1295 Monaghan Road)

Thursdays from 7:30-9:30 PM: Rylan & Carleigh Auger's home (185 Perry Street, back door)