Hill City Blog

“Who is man that you are mindful of him? The Son of Man that you care for him?”

These are words that really resonate when you stop to truly consider the vastness of who God is. The fact that God, who has created all of the cosmos, holds in his heart a special place for us mere humans, should cause us to wonder at his majesty.

“How majestic is your name in all the earth!” the Psalmist cries out having looked upon God’s “glory set above the heavens” seeing the “work of his fingers” “the moon and stars which he has set in place”. (Ps 8.2-3)

Look up at the night sky or the rising sun, the stars set in place travelling lightyears to be seen by you. All this great majesty is displayed by the creator, God. Yet the psalmist is most struck by this one majestic thing: That God should care for mankind. We are only one aspect of his creation and yet he has set us apart. He Cares for us.

BUT WAIT. The psalmist doesn’t end there, and nor does God’s care for Humans. Not merely does he care for us or simply take note of us, BUT God has truly exalted humans above all other creatures giving them a special place only "a little lower than the heavenly beings." The Psalmist sees the exaltation of humans, who have been graced with God’s authority over this world, as a beautiful display of God’s majesty.

Stop for a moment to ponder the greatness of such deeds. God cares about us. Even though we are by nature so little compared to him, he has exalted us as his image bearers and given us stewardship and authority over the earth(ps8.5-8). If we recognize the wonders and majesty of that God, then we will also see even greater majesty at the exaltation of Christ.

Surely this is why the author of Hebrews quotes psalm 8 when writing about Jesus' majesty (Heb 2.5-9). Look at the humility of Christ, who lowered himself from a position of all authority (that is GOD’s authority) and became a human. It's that the author of Hebrews sees God's care for humans in the glory of Jesus. So why did Jesus lower himself? Obedience to God the Father (Philip 2). To relate with us in our sufferings (Heb 2.10;18). To save us from our sins (Heb 5.1). Yes all of these. Truly through Christ he has cared for us. If God has been mindful of us and cared for us and been gracious to us, who are so unworthy; how much more should he exalt Jesus who is eternally worthy of all praise and honor and glory?

And so also we ought to raise our voices and declare like the psalmist “O Lord Our Lord, How majestic is your name in all the earth,” not only because he is God the creator of all but because he is Christ the savior of all. He suffered the pains of sin and death so that we might have the sweetness of life in Christ. He is majestic and his name is worthy to be praised in all the earth.